Encanto de vida e cultura.
Lembranças e Tesouros.
Thais have a contemporary style, their own way of painting with lots of creativity. Likes strong vibrant colors, and uses shapes with a lot of movement to portray their drawings. Today more artistic savvy and professionally, goes beyond the activity of painting and drawing. Want to make it popular, expand the horizons proposed in the construction of his art. Thais have their own style and does not follow trends, but just your imagination, your feelings. When she starts a drawing, don´t makes a plan, simply expresses what comes to mind in the course of work and adds what is necessary to complete the idea. Artist by vocation, Thais Lino participates of workshops free when teen makes her explore her creative side latent since childhood. She had a playful childhood that contributed to the construction of his artistic personality. The academic cultural and artistic training, boost development and improvement of techniques adopted, enabling the maturation of ideas and a junction of insight and techniques. Originalist, modernist, innovative, are some adjectives that qualify as a artist ahead of his time. Thais Lino: "Create, produce and talk through art as a language of change."
PAM! Panorama das Artes Mato-grossenses 2012 é uma coleção de obras-chave de 27 artistas contemporâneos em Mato Grosso : pintores, escultores e fotógrafos. Esta exposição pretende destacar artistas contemporâneos que estão explorando e trazendo à cena uma grande diversidade de interpretações visuais diante de uma proposta curatorial: PARA DANÇAR DE OLHOS ABERTOS| PARA DANCAR DE OLHOS FECHADOS. A exposição segue agora para a PRAÇA DA PREFEITURA de Chapada dos Guimarães e conta com a realização do GOVERNO DO ESTADO DE MATO GROSSO empenhado em ajudar e participar no desenvolvimento da arte deste Estado, tanto em solo nacional como internacional.
Curadoria de Luiz Marchetti e Produção Carol Lampert.
Confiram os ateliês dos artistas participantes neste video do PAM 2012.